How to clean the pool?

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How to clean the pool?

Cleaning the pool can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! With the right tools and some patience, you can easily make your pool look like new. One of the most important pieces of equipment to have for pool cleaning is a poolside picker tool. This tool helps you to remove any dirt or debris from the sides and bottom of the pool, making your job much easier. 

The importance of keeping the pool clean

Having a pool in the garden can provide hours of fun and relaxation, but with it comes the responsibility of keeping it clean and well-maintained. Proper maintenance of your pool is essential to ensure that the water remains safe and healthy for all users. Not only will regular cleaning help to keep your pool looking its best, but it will also help to prevent any potential health problems from occurring. Unclean pools can harbor bacteria and algae, which can lead to various health issues such as skin irritation and infections. The chlorine and other chemicals used to maintain the water balance can become ineffective when debris and dirt build-up. This can result in cloudy or discolored water, which is not only unappealing but can also cause an increase in bacteria levels. By regularly cleaning the pool, you can help to prevent problems from occurring and avoid having to use harsher chemicals to restore the balance. This will help keep the pool clear, clean, and healthy for everyone to enjoy.

The supplies you will need

Cleaning your pool is a task that requires the right equipment in order to make sure the job is done right. Following are the list of supplies needed:

• A poolside picker tool: This tool is ideal for removing leaves, bugs, and other debris from the water surface and floor of the pool.

• Pool brush: You’ll need a stiff-bristled brush to scrub down the sides and floor of your pool, getting rid of dirt and algae build-up.

• Vacuum: If you want your pool to be truly clean, then you’ll need a vacuum to remove any debris that settles on the bottom.

• Chlorine: Chlorine helps to kill any bacteria and germs in the water, making it safe for swimming. Make sure you choose a chlorine option that’s compatible with your pool size and type.

• Test kit: Testing the pH balance of your pool water is essential in order to ensure that it’s safe to swim in. Invest in a good test kit and use it on a regular basis.

Main photo: Tristan Gevaux/

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